Our London Adventure: Part 1

So K & I had a week between the spring and summer semesters, and wanted to travel somewhere as we weren’t sure when the next time we’d be able to take time off. The first plan was to go somewhere warm to relax, but neither of us are huge beach people and we decided that that probably wasn’t the best use of our last vacation time for the near future.

London was somewhere we had both wanted to visit, as neither of us had been before. I decided to surprise K by not telling her where we were going, only the dates of travel. A few days before we left I gave her the forecast for two locations (without names) so she could pack, the morning of our departure I let her know which location it was, and she only found out about London when we got to the airport. Continue reading “Our London Adventure: Part 1”

Five Nines Brewing Co.

Home-brewing is something that I have been wanting to get into for quite some time. The final kick came when K&I attended a MBA classmate’s wedding where the party favors were beer that they had brewed. We drank the beers a little while later, and almost immediately started to research how to brew. After some helpful tips on places to go for equipment and ingredients from our brewing friends, K&I picked some up and decided to give it a go! Since November we’ve brewed the following brews (all batches make ~2cs of beer):

Batch 1: Alpha Test Amber Ale

Alpha TestBatch 2: Oatmeal Stout

Batch 3: Initial Public Ale (Citra/Cascade IPA) Initial Public Ale(Stock ticker image found on Google, everything else is my own creation)

Continue reading “Five Nines Brewing Co.”